Friday, October 20, 2006

Arches Adventures...

So, here are a few shots of our Arches trip - pre-broken leg, that is. It was PERFECT weather day one of our excursion. There wasn't a cloud in the sky the first day, and we had a great time scampering about on the rocks.

Our group was terrifically international, now that I think of it. Randa from Brazil, Gary from China, Yoko from Japan, Ivan from Gua
temala, etc.

All I can say is Chinese guys are tougher than you think. Little Gary carried Laura on his back for what seemed like miles on end. It was amazing. Saddly enough my camera memory was already full by that time, so I didn't manage to capture that super-human feat. Anyway, here are a few more pictures...


Randa Begni said...

LOL... The pictures are great!
I promise to send a bigger msg next time.

Alicia S said...

Pre-broken leg? We need more details. This blog looks great! Definitely a great idea!