So, this post is a tribute to my fierce comrades in the Utah Football MUSS - comrades who, like myself, suffered a particularly devastating defeat at the hands of the outrageous, nay, infamous BYU Cougars at the end of the football season! Alas! Laura Chamberlain once was a missionary company and is now my comrade in the "holy war," as it is termed (ironic, no?).
December 18 was a really special day. My good friend Randa Vieira was baptized. Randa and I met our first day of law school and immediately became friends. Her enthusiasm is terrifically contagious, and before I knew it we were making all kinds of wild plans. Almost the moment she was introduced to the Gospel she embraced it and sought to learn more. I have never known anyone to soak up the truth with more energy and faith. She is a wonder and an amazing example of faith, humility and devotion.